Solitude is born at a very critical and trying time in my life. I am faced with the blessings and challenges of starting a new job, planning my wedding, and preparing myself for graduation all at the same time. My struggle to balance all of these things has led me to question the way I operate my life, and mainly how I handle stress. As I focused on this issue, I realized that the environment we live in today is plagued with stressful and toxic elements. We are continuously exposed to a dangerous amount of digital information that harbors unstable and irrational emotions. We are constantly told how to feel, instead of being told that our feelings are heard and understood.This becomes easily evident when someone is overly happy and excited, but is told to “calm down”. In contrast, when someone is sad, they are told to “cheer up”, and that “other people have it worse”.

Solitude is an interactive program that aids in emotion processing. It is a simple program that allows the user to input one word expressing their emotion and translates it into a light & music show. The words are grouped based on a meter of Positive, Neutral & Negative. Each emotion demonstrates a unique performance. In addition, the screen also displays appropriate quotes along with the music & lights. My goal is not to change how people feel by telling them to do so, but to create the best environment so that they are able to sit with their emotions and let them out. I believe that’s the only way to maintain a stable mental health, by sitting with our feelings and not avoiding them. To seclude ourselves with our emotions and simply feel - without any judgment or influence from the outside world. That is Solitude.


Noura is a proud Eritrean, who was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. Noura moved to the United States in 2012, and is currently residing in San Jose, California, where she is completing the Digital Media Art program at San Jose State University. Noura is a digital media artist, who specializes in mixed mediums to convey her message. As an immigrant, the topics tackled in her work are deeply rooted in her personal experiences. She enjoys using photography, creative coding, and 3D rendering to express herself. The topics of her work are constantly changing as her skills evolve and as life experiences shape her identity. Noura's passion for digital media started with photography over six years ago. While editing pictures and creating digital collages, she stumbled upon the world of digital media and was hooked. In addition to using photography, she also specializes in using Adobe Suite, Python, and JavaScript to make her works possible. Many of Noura's current projects are culturally and socio-politically influenced, where her goal is to use various forms of digital media to provoke thought and emotion from her viewers.

Poster Design
Neutral emotion
Negative emotion
Positive emotion