Lynn Nguyen


“Daydream” is not about a narrative, but about a journey. It is a state of mind in which one's attention is focused on something other than the present. It's often associated with relaxation, but it can also be a place of escape or even a way to deal with overwhelming emotions. In this emulation of daydreams with nature, the viewers can immerse themselves in a world that blurs out the boundary between fantasy and reality in a way that makes them feel calm and peaceful. This work also incorporates elements from nature, whether it be the color of the sky or a particular type of flower. This connection between nature and art would help people realize that everything around us is beautiful and it is important for us to remember that even though we live in a city, we are all connected to each other and the surrounding natural environment.


Lynn Nguyen was born and raised in Vietnam, moved to the United States in 2016, and started pursuing Arts career. She graduated from De Anza College with an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and Certificate in Graphic Design. In 2020, she transferred to San Jose State University to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Digital Media Art. Her specializations are 2D & 3D Design using techniques like illustration, 3D modeling, video editing, photography, and coding.

A self-motivated, creative, and enthusiastic person who enjoys making art and collaborating with other artists. Lynn's works often show an interest in the elements of nature and how her experience as an artist has been inspired by them. A lot of artists can use natural elements to express their feelings and emotions, or they can use them to tell a story; for her, she uses them to remind us of the beauty of nature, and how important it is for our existence.

Daydream Statue
Top view of daydream
ladder and the moon
 Daydream view in Blender