Projective Sleep Space

Kevin Truong


This work is an exploration of recording dreams and nightmares that stood out in a group of friends. The aesthetic of the piece is a callback to recording on an old device such as a VHS tape. The visuals are renderings of prominent figures in our dreams/nightmares as they create a strong emotion when remembered. Some figures invoke positive emotion while others remind us of the dread experienced that night. The composition will range as each image is based on a different memory. The distortions are used to invoke the feeling of looking into another person’s memory where some pieces are missing and are filled in with fuzzy noise.


Kevin Truong explores the idea of art through the lens of ancient humans. He looks to cave paintings and how they were created with a sense of community as an inspiration. Truong aims to create the same feeling of these forgotten ideals in a modern medium. He hopes to carve his own narratives into a seemingly infinite space of the new digital era. Living in such a time where digital media is the predominant thing in people’s minds, Truong hopes to pull away from that. He believes that even though he is a digital artist and student, he shouldn’t be shackled to creating purely digital art. Truong believes there is a great sense of community when connecting people physically.

Truong’s exploration can be compared to the recent works of Lucas Samaras as their works both capture another world within our own or tell a personal story. Truong takes it a bit further and uses other digital programs to render and build images while also using photography.
