
by Tamaki Fujino

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When you type in your phone number, it generates the filter that corresponds to the number. The filters are created by MAX MSP. For this online exhibition, I have re-created filters using 10 examples from the MAX MSP patch. You can try those filters on Instagram.

CV dazzle by Adam Harvey made me realize digital media artists can reveal how the digital world works and how we are influenced by that. Inspired by that, this piece helps you discover who we are and how we are recognized by the digital world. The data and information in the modern world are created for machines to read effectively, ignoring how humans read them.

In the machine-centered world, one of the biggest identities of us is our phone number randomly assigned by phone companies, rather than your name or number. We almost stopped using phone numbers to call someone anymore. The people who do not have phone numbers will be excluded from society as you cannot make a credit card and create an account to sign up for a service. The wooden frame imitates the world that is formed with yamaori and taniori. By putting your face into the area of taniori, I wanted to reveal your identity that is not usually visible.

The lobby object represents a bellow created with the repetition of Yamaori and Taniori. I did not put any texture on the object since the object itself represents the nature of everything. Without any covering, you cannot tell which area are concave and convex of the bellow.

Lobby Image, Installation in New Art City (May, 2021)

Installation in New Art City (May, 2021)

650-799-3412(above) and 123-456-7890(bottom), Instagram Filter (May, 2021)


I started this project May 2020. It only worked on my laptop.

10 digit numbers, Max Msp Patch (May, 2020)

Then, for my solo exhibition held in March 2020, I built an interface for the audience to type in their own unique phone number. The filters are going to be projected on the mirror, and the mirror reflects the filter on the wall. The visitors can take selfies with the filter on. The installation has three parts: the interface, the sculpture, and the projection.

Interface for 000-000-0000, ipad with Mira (March, 2021)
Sculpture to reflect the projection, mirror, black acrylic paint, and PVC board (March, 2021)
Some of phone number generated filters, projection on the wall, reflected from the mirror (March, 2021)
Selfie with my own phone number filter (March, 2021)

This piece is part of "Yamaori Taniori" project I have been working on.
Yamaori and taniori can be translated into mountain fold and valley fold; they refer to how to fold when you do origami. The reason why I titled the project Yamaori Taniori is to give a hint of myself who is deeply influenced by Japanese culture. More than that, I discovered that we are living in a world like a bellow which is formed with the repetition of yamaori and taniori. When you see the paper as the whole world, the areas of yamaori are where you can see, and the ones of taniori are where you cannot see. We tend to consume the information on the area of yamaori because they are easily reachable. Because of that, we might be missing the greater hidden part of the reality of this world.

Please check here for more information about the project.