Steven Nguyen

HTML tutorial

"Paranormal or Conspiracy?"

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Artist Statement

I have been fascinated with coding, video development, and game development since I was a child. If someone asks me which out of the 3 would be my absolute favorite interest, I will tell them video development. In the past, I have made episodic shows, presentations, and compilation videos in the past. As my interest in video development grows, I have decided to make a documentary for my BFA show. This documentary entails how the media can fabricate information to the public for their personal benefit. Along with my documentary video, I have 2 pictures of a generic Alien and my own rendition of a ghost on the left and right side of the video. I have a sole 3D model of a bigfoot cast on the bottom to indicate to the viewer of what they are in for when they watch the documentary video.

Artist Bio

Steven Nguyen was born in Biloxi, Mississippi whom was a southern boy who have been fascinated with art since attending San Jose City College. His interest in Art started to develop when his sister received her 2nd associates degree in web development years ago. After she introduced him to her skills in coding, Steven fell in love with art. As Steven's interest in art started to evolve, he encountered the world of video editing with Windows Media Player in the early 2010s. Steven is a lifelong video gamer and then game development started to become his 3rd interested in art. With the combined interest in web development, game development, and now coding, he has chosen a field in SJSU called Digital Media Art which covers all of his passions of art. As he mentioned before, Steven's overall passion is in video development, therefore when he graduates, Steven will find a career within that field. Steven's ultimate goal in life after he becomes a mastery within all of his skills, he would be become a film director.