Information Encumbrance” is a virtual reality world that simulates the process of us
receiving information, believing in information, and responding to the opposite side of
the information under the influence of algorithms. The work occurs in a
ring-shaped tunnel the has different portals audiences can choose from. Along with
audiences’ choices and interactions with the portals, they will be able to interact with
audiences who have opposite beliefs. The aim of this project is to alert audiences how
they are being manipulated and blinded by algorithms, and how algorithms strengthen
the conflicts among people with different beliefs.
Since the pandemic started, I have witnessed the disparities in belief are more
intensified ever than before. Especially, news from different countries, channels, and
social media can stand for completely polemic views on pandemics. I also have
observed the constant arguments on what to believe about the pandemic going on
between China and the U.S. Inside the U.S., there is also the heated debate “Is the
vaccine trustworthy”. That makes me ponder the clandestine role algorithms have been
playing in our sources of information.
This work will be magnifying the role of algorithms and reveal how they lead us to
believe what we want to believe and how they block our ability to discover the reasons
behind our opposite side of views.
Artist Bio
Heru Wang is a digital media artist and user experience designer. She was born in mainland China in 1997 and came to the United States to pursue her education in high school. Currently, she is working towards receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Media Art from San Jose State University in California. Heru works with virtual reality platforms, creative codings, and videos. She also designs human-oriented digital products in the tech industry. Her work focuses on human interactions and relationships with technology. She draws inspiration from her observations of people’s stories, around her. Her art comes from her desire of connecting with others and helping others. Her lifelong mission is to listen with empathy and create arts with equality to all individuals.